European Research Papers Archive

Queen's Papers on Europeansiation
Queen’s Papers on Europeanisation

The Queens papers, originally published by the Institute of European Studies, are now published by the School of Politics and International Studies.

The objective of the paper series is to contribute to the theoretical development and empirical exploration of 'Europeanisation' in a way that straddles disciplines and facilitates a dialogue between contending perspectives. Unidisciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and comparative papers on Europeanisation will be welcomed. It is envisaged that papers will explore topics such as the following:- conceptual definitions of Europeanisation;- relationships between Europeanisation, integration and globalisation;- the practice of Europeanisation, particularly problems of identification, measurement, causation, explanation and variation between sectors; and critical discussion of the progress and future of Europeanisation, having regard to problematic and contested notions of 'the unity and diversity of Europe'.

Quality Control Policy Each paper is reviewed by at least one internal referee and one external referee. Internal referees are members of the editorial board. External referees are persons who are not members of the board. If both referees favour publication without modification, the paper is published. Only technical and/or stylistic changes will be made by the editors. If one or both referees recommend modifications to the paper, the author is invited to submit a version embodying the necessary modifications. If both referees consider the paper to be unsuitable for publication, the author is notified of its rejection (with reasons). If there is disagreement between the referees about the suitability of a paper for publication at all, further referees are contacted. Authors are normally notified of the outcome of the reviewing process within one month.

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